Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week-34 and counting

Last week was my 34th week check-up.

Date: 14 Mac 2012 (Wed)
Appointment Time: 9:30 am
Waiting Time: 45 mins

Blood pressure: 70/107
Weight Gain: + 1kg
Urine: normal

My water retention condition has become more serious as the baby grows bigger.  My feet and ankles were obviously swollen, even in the morning (it used to become obvious only in the evening). This has also worsen the condition of my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Other than feeling numb, heaty, pain and stiff on my fingers, my wrists started to ache as well. Since my blood pressure and urea are normal, there is nothing the doctor can do other than telling me these are part and parcel of pregnancy, especially for first time pregnancy because my body is adapting to the body changes for the first time. However, despite all these 'painful' experience, I will not want to have the baby to come earlier in exchange for the relief of the above symptoms. I want my baby to develop to his optimum level in my stomach until full term, if possible until 40 weeks. No pain, no gain, isn't it?

Baby heart beat: 159 bps
Baby weigh: 2.3kg
Amniotic fluid level: optimum
Position: head down, condusive for natural birth

There was no nice picture of the baby taken again this time as his face was facing to the side and he constantly covered his head with his hands! What a shy boy!

Hubby took this picture with Dr. Paul's consent during the ultrasound session.
I will go back again for another check-up in week-36. After that the check-up will be on weekly basis to closely observe if there is any symptom of baby arriving earlier than the EDD on 25 Apr 2012.


Consultation            RM  50.00
Ultrasound               RM  50.05
Admin Fees             RM    4.00
Diagnostic/monitoring RM  0.60 ( what is this for? this is the first time for this item to appear in the bill.)
TOTAL                  RM 104.65 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 32 - Maternity Check-up

This entry will be a short one due to my 'super numb' fingers caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Date: 29 Feb 2012
Appointment: 10 am
Waiting time: 10 min.

Blood Pressure: 95/65.  I thought this was a bit on the low side, but Dr. Paul said there was nothing to worry about it.

Weight Gain: 1kg ( gained in 2 weeks, so it was acceptable. I guess my effort to eat only nutritious food but not tasty food is showing the result!)

Ultrasound of baby: Baby has settled in the head down position. The chances for natural birth is high. But his face is facing my back (spinal cord), so his facial features remained mysterious to us this week.

Baby's weigh: 1.97kg (gained 270gm compared to 2 weeks ago)

Heart beat: 137 bpm (normal)

Before the ultrasound, I had just told Dr. Paul how agressive my baby was punching and kicking these few days. But for the 2nd time in a row, baby was fast asleep during the ultrasound sessions. Looks like my baby is 'camera' shy :)


Consultation RM  50.00
Ultrasound   RM  50.40
Admin Fees RM    4.00
TOTAL       RM 104.40