Saturday, June 16, 2012

Milk, milk, milk, where are you?

We have finally found NAN 1 Pro as the formula milk that suit Jaden the most.  He had tried Enfalac A+ (which made him very hyper and restless -grunting and snorting non-stop) and Similac (caused diarrhea) before this. 

From our experience, you can never say which formula milk is the best, instead you can only say which brand is most suitable for your baby, and you probably have to keep trying different formulas before you find the right one. Usually, getting samples from your doctor would be best, however we did not have that luxury as we had chosen a "baby-friendly" hospital where breast feeding is encouraged, thus doctors are not allowed to give away samples.

All the while, I had truly wished to fully breast feed Jaden. However, sometimes things do not turn out the way we want. Despite consistent latching on and pumping, my milk did not really come. I have also tried almost all the possible remedies:

1) Drink double boiled young papaya soup, fish soup, red bean soup, chinese herbal 'chuan tong cao' (川通 )soup
2) Drink RM99 per pack “guarantee to get milk” Sacred Tea
3) Take GNC Fenugreek supplement pill
4) Take rasberry leaf tea
5) Drink Enfamama lactating milk
6) Get postnatal masseur to 'unblock the milk ducts'
7) Visit a lactation consultant - was asked to eat a lot of fattening food like cheese cake and chocolate cake
*I did not try remedy #7, as I think my baby needs a healthy mom to take care of him, and not one who is stuffed with unhealthy trans fat.

After all the effort, my best yield was only 40ml after pumping both sides for 45 minutes. This made me quite depressed, especially the first 2 weeks. I also had crack and bleeding nipples due to over pumping. The pain was unbearable.

I did not know what is the reason of me not having enough milk. And then, out of curiosity, I googled ' PCOS and breast feeding', I sort of got an answer to justify my situation. Research shows that 1/3 of PCOS patients have very low volume of breast milk. Tada.....I was the 'lucky' 1/3! Although I am not very sure that if PCOS is the reason of me having low volume of breast milk, at least this finding has lifted a heavy emotional burden off me. A chat with Dr. Paul also made me believe that being a good mother and mother-child bonding is not solely depends on breastfeeding your child. His comforting advice has encouraged me to face my situation honestly and accept who I am.

Nevertheless, I will still continue to pump and let Jaden latch on, just to maintain my supply, no matter how low the volume is. I will let Jaden have whatever I can produce, hopefully until he is 6 months old.

If you happen to fall into the same category as me, and had been told by many breast feeding fanatics (a.k.a. certain unconsiderate lactation consultants and mothers who look down on mothers that are unable to breastfeed) that the reason of you not having milk/ enough milk is because you did not try hard enough, I want you to lift up your head, look into their eyes and tell them to respect your difference. After all, you are still a good mother!

Week-9 Updates

It has been 2 months since the arrival of Jaden to our family.  I have gone back to work and reluctantly, have to put Jaden in a babysitter's hand, who stays about 3 minutes drive away from our house.

Overall, Jaden is growing well, progressing from 2.6kg during birth to 5.5kg in week-9. Taking care of a child is a life long lesson, which both Bernard and I are still learning how to become better parents each day.  Waking up twice at night to feed the baby is not an easy task, but the word 'motherhood' made me do it again and again without any grievances every night.

Today, I visited Dr.Paul for my postnatal check-up, and at the same time, we brought Jaden for his 2-month vaccination at Dr. Chai Pei Fan's clinic.  It was very convenient for us as the two doctors' clinics are just opposite each other.  Coincidentally, these two doctors somehow share some similar qualities, they are both polite, down to earth, caring and friendly.

Dr. Paul Ng and Jaden Tan. With this photo taken, Jaden will be able to know
the doctor who received him into the world in the future.
I was told that my stitches have healed completely and Dr. Paul jokingly told us that we can begin to make our 2nd baby as soon as after 6 months. We definitely wish for more children, but we also think that we should give our bodies and mind some break :) At least, let me shrink back to my pre-pregnancy weight first! After putting on 20kg (scarry, huh?!) during my pregnancy, I still have 7 kg to shed!

Jaden's has developed mild eczema on his feet, palms and navel area since about a week ago. He did  not seem to be irritated by the skin condition (yet), we have to diligently apply prescribed cream on him to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Contrary from the 1st time when he was vaccinated, Jaden did not cry at all today when Dr. Chai poked the needle into his thigh. It was a real relief to me as I still remember how heart broken his cry was last month. Probably, my tactic of telling him about the jab while on the way to the hospital has paid off. I will certainly do the same for his following jab next month :)

Dr. Paul - No Charge

Dr. Chai Pei Fan
Medical & surgical supplies     RM     5.25
Admin Fee                              RM     4.00
Medication                              RM 351.90
Consultation & Assessment     RM    80.00

TOTAL                                  RM 441.15