Saturday, June 18, 2011

1st IUI - 6th Day Post IUI

2011.06.18 (Saturday)

Today is the 6th day after the IUI (procedure was done on Monday 13 June). I have been feeling some pain on my right ovary since Wednesday (2 days after my IUI). It started as a mild pinch that occur occasionally.  I didn't bother about it as I have been busy at work.

The doctor said there is no 'pantang' after IUI. I can eat, exercise and work as usual. The only thing that I have to avoid is caffeine. I am fine with this as I don't drink coffee due to pulpilation after drinking it. Well, I did take a short distance flight to Alor Star for a job assignment on Wednesday. I have also conducted an interview that took place in the forest of FRIM (Forest Reserve Institute of Malaysia) where the shooting team have to do a bit of hiking to reach the shooting point. Since I exercise quite regularly, I don't think that the discomfort was caused by the hike. However, the painful twinges has become more and more obvious since this morning. I felt it more whenever I laugh. I even began to suspect if it was a sign of ectopic pregnancy. But this is far too early to happen! Touch wood!

Having done some survey on the Internet, I felt more relieved because I am not the only one who experience ovary pain after the procedure of IUI. Some even experienced more severe symptoms like sore and sensitive breasts.  Phew! What I have been experiencing was considered mild.

So what is the cause of the pain I am feeling? It is the side effect of overstimulating your ovaries to produce eggs. The pain happens mostly after the ovulation.  If the ovulation is triggered by HCG injection, the pain might be more serious.

Well, how can I treat it like nothing happen after taking medication and injection to stimulate my ovaries? There is a lot of activities happening inside there. So, ovaries have the right to show their trantrum too!

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